Well there's some pushback. This report from Linda Jacobson at the New America Foundation says K-3 could benefit by learning something about preschoolers and applying it to K-3 kids. Hear, hear!
It has some interesting numbers I would not have guessed and some that don't make sense together.
- 53% of California 3- and 4-year-olds are eligible for Title 5 programs.
- Of those eligible kids, 53% of 4s and 25% of 3s were enrolled in subsidized programs.
- Calfornia serves12% of its 4 year olds in state Pre-K.
(This is one of the numbers that doesn't make sense; 53% of 53% is about a quarter, not about an eighth. Unless they mean only State Preschool and do not include CCTR programs, which makes it misleading.)
- 53% Hispanic
- 28% non-Hispanic white
- 10% Asian
- 5% Black
If 53% of all kids in California are income-eligible for Title 5, tautologically that means 53% are in families with less than 75% of the state median income, which means that on the order of 2/3 of preschool kids are in families in the lower half of incomes. Families with little kids average poorer than families without little kids.
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